なんだこの異国情緒感!だけど不思議と落ち着く場所、坂の途中にある紫色のギャラリー、代々木上原「gallery PARADISO」をレンタルスペースとして利用しませんか?


レンタルスペース、アーティストマネージメント、イベント企画を軸に、『一人ひとりの感性・個性』と『自分らしさを互いに認め合える社会』のトータルブランディングを手掛ける株式会社OFFICE球根(本社:東京都渋谷区上原・代表取締役 兼 PARADISOキュレーター:今井美穂)は、代々木上原駅南口2から徒歩1分、紫の壁のgallery「gallery PARADISO」をレンタルスペースとしてレンタル利用を本格的に始動。
  • ここは外国の実家ですか?

外国に行ったことがないPARADISO副館長のわたし(浜田一平)ですが「ここは外国か?」と思ってしまいます。そして異国情緒感満載なのに不思議と落ち着くこの空間。ここは外国の実家ですか?そう思います。そう、ここが代々木上原にあるgallery PARADISOです。国内外の作家さんの絵、そしてハンドメイド作品、世界中から集められた古着、さまざまな企画やPOP-UPなどでいつも模様替えされますが、不思議とさまざまなシチュエーションにマッチします。この紫の壁も個性があります。

I (Ippei Hamada), the deputy director of PARADISO, have never been to a foreign country. I was surprised to find myself thinking, “Is this a foreign country? And this space is full of exoticism, yet strangely relaxing. Is this a family home in a foreign country? I think so. Yes, this is gallery PARADISO in Yoyogi Uehara. It is always being redecorated for various projects and POP-UPs, but strangely enough, it matches a variety of situations. This purple wall is also unique.


Previously, this location was a vintage clothing store. Furthermore, before that, it used to be a beauty salon. It seems that during the time it was a hair salon, it was also used as a location for a certain Japanese movie. As for specific partitions, there are a large room and a small room. The small room can be used as a backyard or checkroom as well as for exhibitions. In the photo above, the large room is the one facing the street window, and the room with the impressive arched entrance is the small room.


The space has been used for painting exhibitions, vintage clothing sales, accessory and apparel POP-UPs, makeup workshops, a photo studio, acoustic live performances with live music, and a variety of other uses. The deputy curator feels that this friendly, exotic space is a place that lifts the spirits and fortunes of the people who are here.


If it is a place, then the director and owner, Miho Imai, also has an open mind. As the representative of Office kyukon Corporation, she is a master of “connecting people to people,” which is her original purpose. Anyway, this person is very energetic.

  • オーナー今井美穂より

gallery PARADISOについて


About gallery PARADISO

I first came here in April 2022, when PARADISO was a vintage clothing store. A friend of mine was a regular customer and brought me here. The clothes were great, of course, but I actually fell in love with this place at first sight. The purple arched walls, the layout with many bay windows, the red door, the retro building, and the location on the side of a hill brought back a series of memories: it looked like that boutique I entered in Paris, that souvenir shop I visited in Portugal, and that store I visited in that country. At the same time, I was captivated by the property, linking it to the atmosphere and wall color of the store I used to run. In November of the same year, I heard that the previous owner was closing the store, and when I went to the closing sale, I heard from the owner that the next tenant had not yet been decided. We asked about real estate and went straight to the real estate office and decided to rent the property on the spot. I had not thought about this until the day before, but I also felt that the property had appointed me in reverse, that I should not miss this chance.




Now that we are renting, what are we going to handle? I have always sold things, but I started thinking that I would like to do something more personalized and an experience for people.

I opened my shop in February 2023, and for less than a year, I have been planning to sell things and events that are not mass-produced, that are environmentally friendly, that make use of individuality, and that show the artist’s view of the world.

I have been interested in environmental issues since I was a child, and when I was young, I traveled around the world as a buyer myself while running my own select store. I have seen many different environments and people in many different countries, and even if I cannot directly repay those who have been kind to me, I believe that by purchasing and distributing goods from developing countries at a fair price as fair trade, a cycle is created.


PARADISO means “paradise” in Italian, and I believe that paradise is an environment that we can create ourselves, and I want to create PARADISO every day, I feel like I am creating PARADAISO every day. This purple wall also fits the building and is a unique feature inherited from the previous owner. There are many galleries with white walls, but I think we all have our own color. Just as I value the individuality of a building, I want to continue to see more of the variety of people’s colors and personalities in the future, and I want everyone to value each individuality. I also feel that to embrace diversity is to embrace ourselves. If you have something you want to transmit, we would like to invite you to come to PARADISO as a starting point, no matter how old you are, no matter if you are from a rural area or a neighborhood.

gallery PARADISO ホームページ

gallery PARADISO インスタグラムアカウント


  • 今ならキャンペーン価格でレンタル可能!






1単位 : 110,000円(税込)

1日 : 55,000円(税込)





1単位 : 55,000円(税込)

1日 : 16,500円(税込)










メール gallery.paradiso.tokyo@gmail.com
